Cutie or small apple
Grapes or nut medley
One cup All-Apple Juice
Handful of baby carrots or cheese stick
Back to school means routine again. Day in and day out, packing a school lunch is top priority. But the struggle is real when it come to making a healthy school lunch that is better than the cafeteria option, and better than fellow friends packed lunches. Because nothing’s worse than your child coming home to say “Mom, why didn’t I have chex-mix and Betty did?” No matter what, your lunchbox creation has to be #1 in the whole school, and it's about to be thanks to California Grape Nectar.
We know just how hard it can be to please youngsters while incorporating healthy items. But all kids love grapes, so all kids are sure to love grape sugar. With the addition of Grape Nectar in a couple items throughout the day, your child will stay happy, energetic, and full. Add in a couple easy and nutritious snacks to make this lunchbox a winner.
Tummy rumbling a couple hours after breakfast? No worries, mom packed a cutie or small apple to temporarily satisfy hunger until the lunch bell rings. And when it does, ooooo yes, time for that PB&J, or shall we say PB&GN (peanut butter and grape nectar, shown below). Using Above Average Peanut Butter and Berry Bored-O Jam, this sandwich enhances peanuts and berries without any preservatives or unnecessary sweeteners. Grape Nectar elevates the taste of your basic PB&J, to create the premier sandwich - PB&GN.
Wash down Above Average Peanut Butter with some All-Apple Juice that is sweet as can be from All-Sass Grape Nectar. Refreshing and light, this drink contains antioxidants that juices from the grocery store neglect to include.

Just don’t forget the sides. A few grapes add a refreshing snack that, of course, pairs amazingly with Grape Nectar. For more protein, mixed nuts go fantastically with PB&GN. And to ensure hunger does not overcome your scholar, a cheese stick or handful of carrots are substantial fuel for a productive and functional mind.
Finish up with a Strawberry Krispie. The peak of this lunchbox that will have the rest of the playground speechless. Sweet and savory, yet healthier than your average rice krispie! #NOTYOURAVERAGESWEETENER #VeganRecipes
Hashtag #NOTYOURAVERAGESWEETENER to your Grape Nectar lunchbox creation on Instagram and Facebook!
BLEND USED: Bored-O Rouge California Grape Nectar and All-Sass California Grape Nectar
Tasting attributes:
- 2 slices of Dave’s Bread (recommend Goodseed or Powerseed)
- Berry Bored-O Jam
- Above Average Peanut Butter
- Slather Above Average Peanut Butter over one slice of bread and Berry Bored-O Jam over the other
- Place together and cut in half or quarters
Get your Grape Nectar now!