apple juice

Call us childish, but we can't get enough of this All-Apple Juice! With an ideal balance of fruity and sweet, this beverage is great with any lunch, and especially perfect for a lunchbox. Weather your drinking this at work or bottling it for your studious youngin', forget the juicer because this drink requires nothing more than a blender, a strainer, and five minutes. 

apple juice

BLEND USED: All-Sass California Grape Nectar

Tasting attributes: Our riesling blend adds a delicate sweetness and hint of citrus to clean, crisp, and cool apple juice

Apples go great with anything so naturally apple juice does just the same! This All-Apple recipe takes store-bought apple juice to the next level and challenges it to a taste test. Who wins? Grape Nectar’s All-Apple Juice of course. Not too sweet, All-Sass Grape Nectar adds an earthy and slightly citrus pop of sugar to juice that tastes real instead of processed like most store-bought juices. 

And the best part is that you don’t need a juicer! Let's face it, we are going #NotYourAverage with this drink. Get out your blender, thin strainer or cheesecloth, and voilá, lunchbox ready! A perfect drink to pack in a school lunch, Grape Nectar limits calories and lowers sugar content, creating a nutritious drink full of antioxidants from the grapes. No preservatives or additives, this juice lasts a week in the refrigerator, but it might disappear in a couple days so drink it while you can!

Three simple ingredients you can find anytime throughout the year. With Grape Nectar, you need just a touch of apple juice, paired with water (make it sparkling if you're that type of person), and a splash of All-Sass to create a refreshingly delicious mid-day beverage.

This easy-to-make juice is great for school lunches or anytime throughout the day. All-Sass ignores chemical additives while adding a refined and elegant taste, sure to be the ideal complement to any lunch or snack.

#DRINKBETTER than ever before with All-Apple Juice!





  1. 3 fresh apples (honeycrisp and granny smith is our favorite combo)
  2. 2 cups water
  3. ⅓ to ½ cup GN


  1. Peel and core the apples, slice into quarters
  2. Blends apples, water, and Grape Nectar until a thin liquid results
  3. Strain the liquid in a fine strainer or cheese cloth and chill for up to a week

Get your Grape Nectar now! 


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