grape nectar roséTo celebrate the birth month of our founder and here favorite adult beverage of choice, we have come up with the most glorified way to use our red blend of Grape Nectar: DIY Rosé! Just a hint of our Bored-O Rouge natural sweetener turns any white wine into a beautiful, luscious rosé in seconds. Try it out today and celebrate with us - Santé!

grape nectar rosé

BLEND USED: Bored-O Rouge California Grape Nectar

Tasting Attributes: The symphony of red grapes in this blend of grape nectar keeps the congruency of the classic variation with notes of rich blackberry

Rosé has become a popular wine choice for many, to say the least. And its popularity far surpasses the span of the summer months now, which is why we have the perfect solution when you can't find a bottle in the fridge. Whether your wine is too dry, too old, or just not right, add a touch of our Bored-O Rouge Grape Nectar for the perfect fix. Just a touch of natural sugar from the same grapes used to make wine turn your boring white wine into its more popular cousin. Instant rosé!

A little Grape Nectar goes a long way. Literally just a couple drops of our natural grape sugar enhance the color and mouthfeel of your white wine. The tiny amount of Grape Nectar adds a subtle sweetness and roundness that no other sugar alternative could compare. A homemade saignée variation of rosé using our Bored-O Rouge Cabernet blend. 

Although you can almost always find a bottle of Rosé in our fridge, we always have our Grape Nectar on hand in times of emergency. And even if your white wine is up to standards, try a dash of Bored-O Rouge for an added hint of jammy sweetness and complexity. We love the rich elements of our red blend of natural sweetener and how it interacts with dry white wine. Pair our sugar alternative with a California white wine for a beautiful harmony of California grapes in a glass!

We think every season is Rosé season, so break apart from the norm and try our DIY Rosé. Celebrate with us this month with Bored-O Rouge in your glass for added flavor and grapeyness. The ultimate way to #DrinkBetter!

Get your Grape Nectar now! 


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