Who doesn't love some caramelized onions somewhere on their plate? Whether you are eating them alone or paired with some roasted veggies or meat, your tastebuds will be smiling with the addition of our Bored-O Blanc Grape Nectar. And we have Carneros Chef Sean Streete guiding you the whole way to a perfect brûlée. To make matters even better, this recipe only takes 5 ingredients and about 10 minutes! So what are you waiting for?

bruleed onions 

BLEND USED: Bored-O Blanc California Grape Nectar

Tasting attributes: Grape Nectar serves as the perfect vehicle to create a beautiful bruleéd onion that adds a nice touch of sweetness to a savory dish

Ever wonder how the chefs do it? This seemingly easy recipe requires a lot of finesse and can become much more difficult to manuever without followingthe correct steps. But have no fear! We now have all the answers thanks to Chef Sean Streete and his ingenius use of our Grape Nectar.

Our relationship with Chef Sean, or better known as Mr. Streete (@mr.streete), began early in the formulation of Grape Nectar. We were introduced to him via Chef's Roll in Spring of 2017. Chef immediately saw the infinite possibilities and uses for our complex wine grape sugar alternative, and he has since used it in multiple dishes over the past year and a half. We are quite humbled by his interest and support of our product. You can see why if you check out any of his stunning creations on Instagram or Facebook.

Although his dishes never fail to astound, his onion dish was one that has stuck out for its perfect simplicity and most practical use of our sugar alternative. Why wouldn't you use a flavorful, unique sweetener to brûlée your onions? The crisp and acidic notes of our Sauvignon Blanc blend work perfectly to balance out the savory and sweet nature of the final product. What other sweetener offers so much to a dish with only five basic ingredients?

While our recreation hardly does the dish justice, we found that it was prepared with much greater ease by following Chef Sean's directions. We were surprised by how little Grape Nectar was used to achieve such a perfect brûlé. As is with many recipes, our sugar alternative really goes the distance and we are constantly finding that a little goes such a long way. Please check out the original post of Mr. Streete and his brûléed onion creation here.

We hope you also learned a few techniques with the guidance of Mr. Streete in this recipe and you will add these onions to the menu at your next #DinnerParty !! Comment below to let us know what other chef creations you are interested in.

blanc bruleed onions 





  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lb cippolini onions
  • 3 Tbsp Bored-O Blanc
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper
  1. Clean the cippolinis, and then face the end opposite of the root end so the cipollinis remain intact while cooking; reserve.
  2. In a cold sauté pan; pour just enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan.
  3. Following the olive oil; lightly salt the bottom of the pan; followed by laying the cipollini onions cut-side down atop the salt.  ***this method of salting the pan with kosher salt prior to placing the onions in the pan gives the onion a little buffer and separation, aiding in keeping the onions from sticking to the pan.
  4. Place the sauté pan on low to moderate heat. Once the onions start cooking, reduce the heat to low for approximately 12 minutes or when you’ve achieved some nice browning of the onions.
  5. Returning the sauté pan of the cipollinis back to a moderate heat; add the Grape Nectar; allowing the nectar to deglaze and reduce in the pan by swirling the pan in a circular motion.
  6. Remove from the pan; allow to cool slightly.
  7. Enjoy with grilled salmon or another protein, roasted veggies, or whatever you desire!

Get your Bored-O Blanc now!



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