Toxins are all around us. They are in cleaning supplies, in our makeup, in our environment, and sometimes, unfortunately, in our food. Regardless of the shape or size they come in, they cause all sorts of issues hindering the human body from functioning on all cylinders. We created a smoothie that will cleanse, re-energize, and nourish your body. You'll even get an antioxidant boost when you add grape nectar.
detox smoothie


BLEND USED: All-Sass California Grape Nectar

Tasting attributes: All-Sass Grape Nectar adds a bright and floral sweetness that pairs exquisitely with the citrus and fruit in this smoothie. 

There are many opinions in the health world about what it looks like to "detox" or "cleanse". The outlook we take, is that you detox by nourishing your detoxifying organs. The main organs that do the heavy lifting detoxifying are the lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, and digestive system. Since, these organs are doing the work for us, our job is too help support them and make sure they are not overloaded. When these organs become overwhelmed is when inflammation, low energy, dull complexion, etc. can start to occur. The great news is through whole foods we can combat toxins bringing us down.

Each ingredient in this smoothie is doing something to support your body's detoxifying organs and re-energize your body. We have created this smoothie using a whole rainbow of ingredients from bright red strawberries to orange All-Sass grape nectar to deep green spirulina powder. Our super special detox ingredients are lemon juice with its powerful magnesium, potassium, and copper properties and spirulina powder which is an ultra powerful superfood that is high in antioxidants and a surprising amount of protein. In addition to these two ingredients we added in mango, bee pollen, cinnamon, strawberries, chia seeds, spinach, almond milk, and of course, All-Sass grape nectar. 

All of the whole foods, seeds, spices, juices, powders, and nut milks we put in this smoothie would not have been the same without a crucial sweetening ingredient: grape nectar. This natural sweetener is the finishing touch this smoothie needed to round out the complex flavor into one beautifully crafted taste. Using All-Sass grape nectar was an easy decision as well. The floral notes of this high quality sweetener brighten the smoothie in a way that just fruit is unable to do. In addition to the added flavor and sweetness the grape nectar adds, it also is giving the smoothie one more nutrient boost with its high antioxidant properties. 

The last beautiful thing about this smoothie is you can plug and play with any of the ingredients. Swap strawberries for raspberries or spinach for kale or mango for pineapple. All combinations would taste delicious and provide great health benefits, but we recommend combining some fruit, superfood, leafy greens, spices, citrus, and nut milk, with a natural sweetener (grape nectar).

detox smoothie
  • one handful of spinach
  • 1 cup of ice
  • 3 cups of almond milk 
  • 2oz lemon juice
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of chia
  • 1 tsp of spirulina powder
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 mango
  • 1/2 cup of pineapple
  • 2 tbsp of All-Sass Grape Nectar


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender 
  2. Blend and enjoy!

Get your Grape Nectar Now!


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